Our Name and Amazon FBA
The name AliP comes from an apprevaited version of my child's name "Allison Paige". I choose the name AliP so it would be a constantly reminder about why I started this company; I wanted to create something to help my family and I reach our financial goals; but I also wanted a challenge. I wanted to see if someone like me, a mother and currently a full-time worker could start and have a success business.

I choose to start AliP in November 2017 after realizing I eventually want to to be able to spend more time at home but also wanted a fulfilling career. So I started researching many start-ups and family businesses, I came across Amazon FBA. For those that don't know, Amazon FBA is a way that people like you and me can sell products on Amazon. Amazon handles the customer service and housing the products, but you, as the seller, has to find the products, send them to wear house, and market them. My plan, for this website, is to give the details of my journal so I can also help those who are interested in this career path as well.
Every week, I will post the progress of AliP. As of now, I have found 2 potential products, but I have to secure the funding for the products within the next 2-3 weeks. Wish me luck and if you have any advice, please don't hesitate to message me. Thank you for reading this post.
Paige :)