Beautifully Reacting to Criticisms
The products I want to sell are products to help people feel beautiful. However, beauty comes from inside of us too. I am getting a lot of constructive criticisms on what I am doing and how I am doing them. Sometimes, this feedback is hurtful. Especially, when I really believe in what I am doing. But, just because I get a little emotionally hurt does not give me a reason to act like a brat. When I have receiving negative feedback, I am always respectful and I always listen to what the other person has to say. I am not quick to react and I think about how the other person’s words makes me feel and why I feel that way. Most of the time, when have a negative reaction to what has been told to me, it is because I just don’t want to be corrected. I want to be right. And being right all the time is just not possible. So, then I start to think why is the person telling me something I don’t want to hear and why are they are challenging me? Typically, the answer is because they know I can do better and they have another way for me to reach my goals. Sometimes, their way is right and other times their way is wrong. But, I believe the key to successfully reacting to their criticism is to listen, thinking about where they are coming from, and ask questions. And by doing this we grow beautifully.