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Overcoming Setbacks

This week, my husband and I got some upsetting news. I won't go into total detail here what exactly happen, but the event totally blew the wind out of our sails. Since this loss, it has been difficult to be cheerful and happy. However, in my former life was a Mental Health Therapist, I have learned that I need to change my thoughts to improve my mood. I cannot continue to beat myself up and think about something that did not and can not happen. But to stop thinking negative thoughts can be so difficult. However, I do believe in positive thinking so I have to trust my thoughts and ignore my feelings.Besides isn't success only 1% talent, 99% perspiration". I believe it is and because of this belief, I will overcome. Setbacks happen, but its only 1 setback and there are a million possibilities for opportunities to happen tomorrow. And, this is not the first setback in my life, however, in times like this, it is so. hard to remember when I have overcome in the past.

I have decided to write about my disappointment this week because I know I am not alone in setbacks, all entrepreneurs will experience at least one in their life, and man do setbacks suck. However, we have to preserve. If I stop now I will not know what will and can happen tomorrow. And I hope, that if anyone reads this, you know you can overcome any setbacks you have just like I will overcome what happened to my family this week. Thanks for reading.

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