Its been awhile...
It's been awhile since I last posted due to a lot of changes. AliP did fairly well its first month, but then I had an issue. Amazon closed my listing due to making sure that my product (the razor) was hazmat complaint. It took 2 weeks, but after sending in the correct paperwork, my product is back up, and listed on amazon. However, within the two weeks more competitors have started to selling the razor so I have to drop the price to $15.99. Besides that, running a small business, and working full time has had moments of being overwhelming. I feel like I can never stop and I have a two year old who demands time and attention; causing me to have had many moments of thinking "Am I doing the right thing", "should I quit", and "I hope I am not wasting my time". But with that, I am not quitting today. This is because if I quit now, I will still have those "What if " thoughts... Wish me luck :)